Citizen Cites & Comments (CC&C)

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Independent News An irreverent new book that invites President George Bush to admit that he is a "functional illiterate" has shot straight to the top of the American best-seller list, even though it almost never saw the light of day because the publisher thought it went too far.
The success of Stupid White Men ... and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation by populist film-maker and activist Michael Moore is surely causing red faces at HarperCollins, owned by Rupert Murdoch.
((((((((( Oh yeah, the ever-minor bush is a "war president", we sure would not want to have some smartass pointing at a "war president" saying, "Mommy, The 'War pResident' has no clothes on." Let's kill the messenger and the book he wrote in on. Time to drive Rupert Murdoch into the ocean without a boat.------- DW ))))))))))
Item number 10052028 -
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Independent News (((((((( All kinds of speculation about the source of anthrax in letters mailed to US progressive Senators... a page not short of conspiracy theories and seriious criticism of US policies. Take a look anyway.---DW )))))
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Click2Houston - Report: Enron Designed Fake Trading Floor
HOUSTON -- The bankrupt energy giant, Enron Corp., designed and maintained a fake trading floor at its Houston office.
According to former Enron employees, on the sixth floor of the company's downtown headquarters was a set, designed to trick analysts into believing business was booming.

"It was an elaborate Hollywood production that we went through every year when the analysts were going to be there to be impress them to make our stock go up," former employee Carol Elkin said.((((( MORE DETAIL AT SITE---- I guess I really don't know if there is any truth to this charge or not. I would sure like to be able to fake something to make it appear that I could afford something besides rolling junkmobiles and five-year old Wrangler jeans. But, it takes money to fool people into thinking you have more money. ----DW )))))))))))

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Friday, February 22, 2002

JUST WHICH WHITE HOUSE DID KENNY "BOY" LAY SLEEP IN ANYWAY??? WINGNUT BLATHERMOUTHS HAVE THEIR HISTORY WRONG AGAIN. Politics -- Another bedroom farce The dissemination of the myth apparently began in a Jan. 13 Chicago Tribune story, which stated that "Lay was no stranger to the Clinton White House, playing golf with the president and staying overnight in the Lincoln Bedroom." Whether the reporters were deceived into believing that such a stay had taken place or merely inadvertently confused Lay’s stay during Bush 41 is unclear.

In any case, USA Today picked up on the claim the next day, Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard repeated it on Fox News that night and from there it took on a life of its own, appearing intermittently in letters to the editor and editorials in newspapers nationwide over the last month or so. Gene Lyons of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is the only person to refute the claim in print thus far (on Feb. 13).

Because the facts are so obviously wrong, however, the Lincoln Bedroom myth didn’t reach critical mass until the past week, when it was given a new lease on life by two conservatives

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Thursday, February 21, 2002

Good afternoon, Douglas , Here's what we have been working on today...

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle says he is considering a bid for president in the 2004 race. Speaking earlier this week at a meeting with community leaders in Rapid City, Daschle said he is thinking about it. But he sayshis first concern is keeping a majority in the U-S Senate. It is the most Daschle has said on the issue so far. But many see his role as the highest ranking Democrat in the nation as a good jumping off point for a presidential bid. The Senator will be *in studio* for a live interview tonight on KSFY's Dakota First News at 6.
Dakota First News is THE source for the stories that affect you and your community. And get much more at our website,

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Wednesday, February 20, 2002


I just heard a soundbite on pub radio news break. The ever-minor Bush speaking in a foreign country discussing North Korea and grousing about a "regime that is closed and not transparent".

Well, hmmmm.. Perhaps the Texas Twerp should talk to Wyoming Cheney and ask about the reports on his meeting with the energy barons. Perhaps Bush can share his concerns about a regime that is not transparent with Sen. Daschle and other Democrat leaders to see what can be done about making his own regime less obscure and opaque.------ Douglas Wiken

Item number 9934585 -
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Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Comment--- Michael Kinsley to be on Pub Radio Fresh Air Feb 20.
I just heard this on the Fresh Air program on public radio. Program claimed he was going to give a perspective on
intenet news, etc on tommorows program.. Might be interesting. A previous post here provided a bit of the original announcement posted again below.

Kinsley Resigns
Item number 9897124 -
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Monday, February 18, 2002

HBS Working Knowledge: About Us Welcome to HBS Working Knowledge, a collection of cutting-edge management information that keeps you at the forefront of today's fast-changing business environment. You will find a wealth of resources and data that reflect the intellectual capital of Harvard Business School as well as insights from industry leaders worldwide. We invite you to make it an integral part of your continuing education and career development.
Item number 9858902 -
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What would people really support if the actually understood the options??
Andrew Tobias--Where Does the Money GO?
:TOBIAS' Conclusions Follow:
Go to the site and read what precedes this.---DW

What if the entire tax break went just to Bill Gates? He doesn’t need it, but he wouldn’t burn it, either. He’d buy stocks and bonds or small countries with it, and then the sellers would have that money. So the money wouldn’t disappear . . . but is this a good idea? And the best way to stimulate the economy?

When reduced to this absurd extreme, the answer is obvious. When, instead, you imagine spreading the bulk of the tax break around to, say, 25 wealthy families and corporations instead of just one, it’s a little less obvious but, I think, still pretty clear. It becomes less clear – but, I would argue, still no mystery – when you spread the bulk of the tax break around not just to Bill Gates, or even to 25 wealthy families and corporations, but to 100 large corporations, say, and to the top 1% of individual taxpayers. Which is what the Republicans have done.
To me, this is just bad policy: unfair and unlikely to stimulate the economy nearly as well as a different approach would.
But if the 1.4 million Sam & Sally Sub Shops of the world say “No! Don’t give us $1,000 each, give IBM that $1.4 billion instead (even though they don’t need it)” – so be it. If the elderly around the country say, “No! Don’t give us a prescription drug benefit, use that money to cut the estate tax on $1 billion estates from the current 55% to 0%” – so be it. Who am I to argue with the popular will?
I don’t think this is how most people would feel, if presented the choices clearly, but you never know.

Item number 9858745 -
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Sunday, February 17, 2002

DOES THIS EXPLAIN SOME OF THE RATHER STRANGE ATTACKS IN SD on SEN. DASCHLE???? Bush 2000 Adviser Offered To Use Clout to Help EnronBush 2000 Adviser Offered To Use Clout to Help Enron
By Joe Stephens Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 17, 2002; Page A01
Just before the last presidential election, Bush campaign adviser Ralph Reed offered to help Enron Corp. deregulate the electricity industry by working his "good friends" in Washington and by mobilizing religious leaders and pro-family groups for the cause.

For a $380,000 fee, the conservative political strategist proposed a broad lobbying strategy that included using major campaign contributors, conservative talk shows and nonprofits to press Congress for favorable legislation. Reed said he could place letters from community leaders in the opinion pages of major newspapers, producing clips that Reed would "blast fax" to Capitol Hill.

"We are a loyal member of your team and are prepared to do whatever fits your strategic plan," Reed wrote in an Oct. 23, 2000, memo obtained by The Washington Post.

"In public policy," he wrote, "it matters less who has the best arguments and more who gets heard -- and by whom." ((((((((( Comment--- Read the rest of it. The next time you see this little sleazeball on TV, don't be surprised if your stomach rolls a bit. I am thinking this may have had something to do with the recent ad attacks on Senator Daschle here in SD by some "family group". I thought it more than passing strange that they would develop such an extreme interest in the Alaskan Reserve as a place for oil exploration. Daschle was accussed of practically being a traitor for not supporting exploitation of ANWAR as a frozen oil desert. Don't know, but take a look at the rest of this story. There may be a lot more here than immediately meets the eye. Log on to the link and copy the whole works for future reference.------ Doug Wiken )))))))))

Item number 9838019 -
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E V H E A D Check the stuff on PayPal. Here I was thinking PayPal might be a good deal. Maybe it is if your business is small enough and simple enough for small and simple people to understand.
Don't know. No experience with it myself. Bankers can act like perfect shitheads too. Credit card companies have ripoff fees and catch-22 deals by the dozen. Maybe effective government regulation is better than libertarian economic range wars with nobody in white hats---DW

Item number 9837541 -
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BuzzFlash Report Founder of Common Cause Dies 2/18 (((((((( Just take a look. Whole lot of stuff here. Keep track of the GOP hypocrites and rogues masquerading as Sunday School teachers--DW )))))))))
Item number 9837100 -
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Gardner, Common Cause Founder, Dies Sunday February 17 4:12 PM ET
Gardner, Common Cause Founder, Dies
By JUSTIN PRITCHARD, Associated Press Writer
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - John W. Gardner, who helped launch Medicare, founded Common Cause and became known as ``the father of campaign finance reform,'' has died. He was 89.
Gardner died Saturday at his home on the Stanford University campus, his daughter, Francesca Gardner, told The Associated Press.
``He was a good American father,'' she said. ``He was honest, straightforward, earnest, funny, but he knew how to get a laugh in a speech.''
The trailblazing advocate of democratic participation and volunteerism also led the Carnegie Corp. and kept engaged in the nation's intellectual life until he was bedridden in January from complications of prostate cancer.(((((((( MORE AT SITE and at Common Cause))))))

Lat2=Common Cause:

LAT3=PBS profile:

Item number 9837049 -
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Axis of Weasels Not since Ronald Reagan have we had a president who is as stupid as he is evil. This explains how Bush devised and delivered his cornball yet toxic farewell to Sasha Cohen. Only a preposterously pompous dope could tell someone, even a fawning 17 year-old, "I have a war to fight" and then strut off. Even worse, this self-deluded nincompoop made the statement knowing that he had a public record of avoiding real combat in Vietnam by hiding in, and at times from, the Texas National Guard back in the Seventies. His daddy squirreled (and that is the proper verb) him away in a Guard unit peppered with the sons of Big Brother.

((((((( Oh my, this guy tells George Bush as George Bush really is. How long will it take for the blather mouths in the media to catch on or rebel against their conservative owners. Many more paragraphs at site.
Freely copyable with credit and in whole.------DW )))))))

Item number 9826109 -
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The Digital Eye((((( A blog site about photography. Take a look.--DW ))))))))
Item number 9823220 -
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No Comment, just the news about humorless Republicans on the, that's GOP congressmen..welll.....
Star Telegram | 02/16/2002 | Web parody sparks GOP legal threat
Item number 9822732 -
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Enron Owns the GOP (((( Ah those Texas Republicans...sure a good think Dick Cheney if from Wyoming...just don't have any sense of humor. I don't imagine they like the Grand Old Petroleum Party site very well either.

I am wondering how long it will take Dell computers to get their oddly tipped "E" removed from all ads and logos. For the Texas GOP, getting all those half-tipped "E"s covered up and fast won't be soon enough. Maybe they can bring in the same lawyers that helped the ever-minor bush steal the presidency. But heck, don't read my blather here. Take a look at some real parody. ---- DW ))))
KWAP=ENRON Texas GOP, Texas corruption, Texas Republicans, lawsuit, parody, humorless sleazy bastards, greedy bastards, bidness as usual, what da ya mean, "slushfund"?. [opps, verbal overkill alarm just went off]

Item number 9822668 -
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