Citizen Cites & Comments (CC&C)

Monday, June 23, 2003


DATELINE; 4:46 p.m. EDT June 23, 2003

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Howard Dean made it official. He is running for President on
the Democratic ticket.

Dean accused President George W. Bush of dividing Americans. Dean said that he will act to combat tax cuts he thinks are unfair and an economy he says is hurting the American people.

"Seven trillion dollars of our wealth has disappeared, retirees have lost pensions and have to go back to work, college grads are moving in with their parents because they can't find a job," Dean said. (((((( Just heard this is the worst time to hunt for a job in something like 8 or 12 years ))))

The former Vermont governor believes the Bush thugs lied to the American public about the war with Iraq, which he was against from the beginning, He also noted he is committed to universal health care and a balanced budget. "Everyone under 18 in my state has health care. I'm the only candidate as a governor who's ever balanced a budget."

Dean said as he has said dozens of times before,it's high time that the Democrats start standing up for what they believe in again.

"Copyright 2003 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed."--- well isn't that special. Copywriting what a politician says and has said a hundred times before by now. Call in the recording industry lawyers to make sure a CD or DVD isn't somehow made out of the published spin. Wonder if Dean would get better press coverage if he advocated the death penalty for those with the brazen audacity to read a web page and decide there was actually some news there worth repeating. Maybe it really was special 5 or 6 hours ago. Hot out of nowhere.


PS: Dean responded to Potato Brain Russert's inquisition game without jumping across the table and pounding the crap out of the fat asshole. Spin today is that Dean was unable to answer Russert's "probing questions". Republican spin-masters and media hacks must be really scared of a Democratic candidate who is intelligent and appeals to Democrats outside the narror confines of the DC corridor. Russert's questions were the political version of compute in your head within 10 seconds the time it takes for a light beam to move from the sun to the moon and bounce to earth on the first full moon of July and then add in the time required to span the US 10 times via a fiberoptic line. Just off the top of your head off course.

The terror of the wingnut apologists is apparent by the incredible distortion and spin they are putting on the Dean time on Russert's Stomp the Press.

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