Citizen Cites & Comments (CC&C)

Monday, May 09, 2005

Long time no post here. Looks like Blogger has improved the posting window and Firefox works better than old versions of MS Internet Explorer here. I will try to insert an image and see if that works now. We had some snow yesterday. While snow was still falling and before a few inches melted, I got a photo. (Note: this part of post is weeks old. It was sitting as a draft. However, just heard today that there is a chance of snow in the Black Hills of SD tonite or tommorrow. Unseasonably cool spring after mostly unseasonably warm winter. As an early TV comedian used to say, "Strange things are happening."

Well, the photo upload is not working.

Guess that photo posting is not possible without using Picassa and that won't run on my old operating system.

I am also wondering if archives or part of them got lost in the the various changes of this blogger system.
Item number 111337358588247963 -
Archive URL - .
